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  Date and Datetime
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Use for dates and times.

Client view:

The Datetime field inserts a text box with a selector button.

/upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/date1.png  

The Date field has only the date value.

Clicking on the selector button will open a calendar and a clock dialog.   

/upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/date2.png 

/upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/date3.png

The selector button also has a submenu consisting of three options:

Show calendar – shows the calendar and the clock.

Now – inserts present time and date.

Clear – clears the field.
/upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/date4.png 

Valid default value:



For information about accessing the field values programmatically, please follow the links below:

Accessing Date and Datetime field value in C#

Accessing Date and Datetime field value in XSLT  

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